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A documentation of the many moments Mud Rock has had the privilege of experiencing. Ars longa, vita brevis.

When Tory Burch visited

It's been a minute! Or at least a month or so. But we are finally here to talk about the time when Tory Burch, came (yes! the high-street fashion house brand but also the lady herself) to Singapore and visited us at Mud Rock. Heck, she more than just visited, she even got her hands dirty and made a pot with us. I know, I know, we had to pinch ourselves too! Also, who looks this good while throwing on the wheel?! It was an honor to have been able to host her, not to mention teach her her very first pottery class!

*Photos are from Tory Burch IG

There was an affinity between her and our studio dog, Buddy. They instantly loved each other! And she was curious about why I named him, Buddy. It was the only name he responded to after I rescued him, and that was that. Only later in the middle of class did Tory tell us that her company has a set of values, known as "Buddy Values" which is essentially a list of lessons she gathered from her late father, Buddy Robinson. Everyone got goosebumps, no one planned it, that magical moment of realization of what it really means when they say, 'It was meant to be' or 'the stars aligned'. It was definitely some kind of sign.

What started out as a collaboration between us and a high-street fashion brand, instantly became a heartfelt coming together of like-minded hard working women. Tory and her team were humble, and kind-hearted, most importantly they could all appreciate our craft as they have their own series of ceramics and do work with ceramicists as well in their collections. We have worked with so many brands over the decade, but it is always the authentic connections that gives us pause because of what we value - being human, being kind and doing our best for those around us.

Later that evening we were invited to a private dinner with the region's fashion industry folks such as top models, musicians, journalists and the like. Thank god for Buddy whom I took along as my plus one, him being his usual flamboyant social butterfly helped us fit in.

At dinner, our handmade ceramics that we worked on with the Tory Burch team decorated the tables that were sprinkled with clouds of blue and white flowers.

The few days with Tory and her amazing team was extraordinary. They took us to a world we would never otherwise experience, and allowed us to befriend humble and creative souls from around the world, and for that we are grateful.


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